Sustainable Business Practices

2019 – 2020 Academic Year Projects

Solar Claremont: On-Campus Energy Initiatives

Considering that there is a growing voice for solar energy from the student body and other interest groups, the Sustainable Business Practices team seeks to identify and analyze on-campus solar energy initiatives across the 5Cs through this project. The research revolves around previous and on-going attempts to increase solar energy, the obstacles to adopting solar energy, and factors that have contributed to the implementation of solar energy among the 5Cs. Analysts are talking to key stakeholders, analyzing previous data, and working on a synthesis report. In addition, after reviewing CMC’s reasons for not having solar energy, the team will discuss whether and how CMC could proceed with on-campus solar in the near future.

Sustainable Business Development: Ontario’s Logistics and E-commerce Incubator

Having met with contacts from the City of Ontario, the Sustainable Business Practices team is iterating on the proposal for a project in the upcoming spring semester. Through this project, the team will analyze how the City can promote sustainable business development through its new logistics and e-commerce incubator program.

2018 – 2019 Academic Year Projects

Key Performance Indicators for Rural Development in China

The team is working with Jon Roberts of EARTH + Associates and the International Rural Development Center to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess performance for sustainable development projects in rural China. We are conducting a literature review of current KPI methodologies to recommend a list of KPIs for the organization to use in modeling development scenarios. The team is understanding the trade-offs of economic growth and environmental degradation and metrics to determine the effectiveness of development projects.

Financial Modeling for Solar Startup in Delhi, India

The team is performing financial analysis and preparing investor presentations for a solar-based micro-grid social enterprise in India called Grassroots and Rural Innovative Development (GRID). GRID provides solar-PV powered lighting and water purification technology in India’s rural areas, where 300 million people lack access to electricity. The team is learning about developmental challenges in rural India and how decentralized renewable energy development can act as a solution. More specifically, the team is learning how to ensure environmentally and financially sustainable development and methodology to calculate financial metrics like Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), and Payback Period.

2017 – 2018 Academic Year Projects

Honore Farm and Mill Project

The project involves mapping land use of industrial wheat farming and organic wheat farming for the Honore Farm and Mill, which is owned by a church in Northern California. They have examined the carbon sequestration differences between conventional and organic wheat and the client, Elizabeth DeRuff, will present findings at the triennial Episcopal Conference in July 2018.

Key Performance Indicators for Rural Development

The team is working with EARTH + Associates and the International Rural Development Center on assessing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for sustainable development projects in rural China. They are conducting a literature review of current KPI methodologies and the project will focus on the trade-offs of urban-based development in terms of quality of life, socio-economic, and environmental impacts.